Periodically, each congregation should take a look back to rediscover how their church came into being, what its early ministry was like, and how it has grown and changed over the years. A church that has a strong sense of its history will have a better sense of identity to build on for the future. Part of what that means for us as churches is that we must preserve the memory of how God has worked in our lives.

Throughout the Bible, the Lord reminds people to tell all generations of their LORD'S wonderful works. On the pages that follow, I've answered some questions about the why's and how's of such a celebration, often using our experiences as examples. Rather than trying to squeeze our celebration into a one-day program, we spread it out over the entire fall season, beginning with the Sunday in September when we kicked off our church programs and concluding with three very special Sundays in November and December. In December, 1990, our congregation-Neland Avenue Christian Reformed Church of Grand Rapids, Michigan-celebrated its 75th anniversary.